Parish Council Meetings

Our Schedule

Moulton Parish Council normally meets on the second Monday of every month at 19:30 at Moulton School, School. Lane. It is common for there to be no meeting in August.

Any parishioner is permitted to address the assembled members for up to three minutes at the start of the meeting.

Upcoming Events
  • 12 August 2024
    • Parish Council Meeting
      Parish Council MeetingTime: 19:30
      Full Parish Council meeting. Moulton School, School Lane, Moulton, CW9 8PD

Previous agendas, records and minutes are available here for the meetings of Moulton Parish Council and its subcommittees.

The Parish Council meetings are governed by the Standing Orders.

Parish Meetings

Every year, the parish council facilitate a Parish Meeting, where every member of the parish is entitled to attend and speak. These are enshrined in legislation and must be held between March 1st and June 1st.