Parish Council
The Parish Council adheres to the highest standards and models of transparency and openness. The council publishes their monthly expenditure after every meeting, along with the minutes of all meetings at our documentation portal. The council adheres to the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
The parish council publishes its Public Right to View period on an annual basis, which gives parishioners the rights to view documentation held by the council, by appointment. This is in addition to adherence of the Freedom of Information Act and GDPR Regulations. The parish council is a registered Data Controller.
The council has an established Disputes Resolution Procedure and a Petitions Policy for parishioners to raise items of concern with the parish council, and for these to be constructively resolved.
Parish Councillors are expected to uphold the highest standards and all councillors are bound by the MPC Councillor Code of Conduct, Communications Policy and the Standards in Public Life. All councillors must complete a Registered of Members Interests Form, and the council retains copies of these on our website.
Complaints regarding councillors are handled by the monitoring officer of the unitary authority, Cheshire West and Chester Council, and can be reached via their website.