Moulton Parish Council, as a public body, is bound by the Freedom of Information Act 2000; this entitles everyone to request information from the parish council for any purpose, subject to stated exemptions. Any data that the parish council creates, holds or processes is within the scope of the legislation including, but not limited to, e-mails, letters, reports, documents, correspondence, faxes, notes and CCTV records.

A request should be made in any written form either electronically or physically. The request must state the name and address of the person applying for the information as well as the required information; the more specific the request, the easier it will be for Moulton Parish Council to answer and consider it. The information requested, unless exempted under the Act, must be supplied within twenty working days of being requested. A refusal to release the information will be given in writing and the reasons for refusal specified along with the applicant’s right to appeal.

You can find out more about FoIA here. The current nominated Data Protection Officer, who is accountable for the FoIA activities of the council is Cllr John Harding.

Moulton Parish Council published all completed FoIA requests here.

You can make an FoIA request using the form below: