Notes of a Meeting with Bovis Homes 4th June 2015

By | June 26, 2015


THURSDAY 4 JUNE 2015 at Moulton Methodist Chapel Hall


Bovis – Andy Edge, Matt Lacey and Alex Harverson.

MPC – Cllrs. Aston and Vernon. Parish Clerk.


Bovis Representatives advised that they have lodged ‘discharge of conditions’ regarding several of the specifics stipulated in the Outline approval. It is envisaged that these will be satisfied before the end of July.

All Ground and Archaeological Investigations are now complete.

A Licence to remove Newts has been applied for – to Natural England. It is hoped that the Newts will be removed in the next couple of months.

They apologised for the incorrect placement of a Portaloo, which was subsequently removed.

Two more trees on Beehive Lane (near where the development will start) need canopies raising to accommodate construction traffic. Original cutting was done before Bird Nesting Season commenced. Bovis will contact the dairy farm regarding potential access.

Development of Site and Construction Traffic

The entire site will be bounded by a 6ft high timber fence for Security and Health and Safety reasons. This will be done as soon as possible.

August 12th is the hoped for start date for construction.

Bovis will begin strengthening (base layer of stone) Beehive Lane from site development end – in six phases to Jack Lane junction from approx the first field. The aim is to have a 4m wide roadway. This will involve temporary “pipe and stone” infill to the ditch – will not affect drainage. Once building is completed a top surface will be applied to the section to further improve from its current state.

Construction Traffic Plan (CTP) submitted to CWAC shows access to site initially – hopefully for no longer than 4 weeks – will be via Barnside Way. Traffic will not leave via Barnside Way, but along Beehive Lane. Effectively a one way system. This will minimise traffic and mud on the highway. Once CTP approved residents of Main Road, Summerfield Drive, Harvest Close and Barnside Way will be advised. Annoyance factor is acknowledged, but every effort will be made to ensure that this phase is as short as possible.

CTP seeks access to the site for construction traffic between 8am and 6pm weekdays and 9am to 2pm on Saturdays. CWAC may insist on “downtime” during these hours to facilitate known periods of heavier traffic, e.g. school opening and closing. Beehive Lane will be constantly controlled (manned) to ensure access is managed.

A central compound will be established – towards the top of the first field. This will include Site Office, Materials Compound and Wheelwash Facility.

Bovis will start by building 2 show homes (a 4 and a 5 bed), a sales office and car park adjacent to Barnside Way entrance. They will also build the main artery road to enable the electricity and pumping stations to be built as quickly as possible. The Swales will also be created at this stage as this will aid drainage during building.

It is hoped to have a small number of properties (c.4) available for sale by the end of the year.

The site will develop inwards, i.e. away from the Show Homes.

CWAC have been asked to approve temporary closure of footpaths along Beehive Lane and across the field. This is for H & S reasons and likely to last for a few months.


The site is on a 5% gradient. Water will be channelled towards the top of the site. Adjacent fields will not be made wetter. In some cases neighbouring fields may become drier as a result of run off being diverted.

The swales will be shallow with gently sloping sides. Max depth of water envisaged is 30cm – for once in 30 years flood provision. 99% of time will be empty and no water should stand for any period of time.

In central area trees will be planted to help soak up the water.

Point made that they would not be building if they had any doubts about drainage provision.


Adjacent Properties – Tall Trees and Brown Leaves

Dialogue between Solicitors will continue.

Bovis will contact both occupants over plans/issues raised. Acknowledge should perhaps have done so earlier, but with Solicitors involved and plans not yet fully finalised they have held back.

Offer to connect to foul sewers still stands. Don’t have to take up.

Access rights to Beehive Lane will be maintained.

Regular Meetings

Initially monthly to include Bovis Representatives (including Engineers, Designers, Site Managers, sales); Parish Councillors (max 4 at any Meeting) and Community Representatives (2 from a pool).

Will tackle any ongoing issues/concerns.

Other Matters

Affordable Housing – still 44. A Housing Association/Social Landlord will buy and handle sales/lets. Provision favours local residents.

No further bungalows are planned at this stage. Company Policy.

May have some display boards present at the July PC Meeting.

Considering attending the Crow Fair (stall), or holding a display in the village one evening/day. Experts present to answer any questions.