Regent Street Backs Planning Update Aug 24

  • Post category:Updates

Moulton Parish Council are pleased to announce that Cheshire West and Chester Council have approved plans for a small development of 19 bungalows, car park and wide access road to the rear of Regent Street. This scheme will transform the brownfield land into a valuable asset for the village.

A community information meeting was held on Wednesday 7th August with representatives from Moulton Parish Council, Jigsaw Homes, the architect, land agent and construction contractors. Details from that meeting have been posted to all residents who directly border the site (as promised in the original meeting) and are on the Parish Council notice board and this website (under The Council-Oversight-Published Documents-Regent Street Development)

A community liaison committee has been formed to be a conduit of information, questions, issues, etc between the community and the construction company.